Big Yellow Taxi

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12" x 12"

Oil on 1 1/2" gallery wrapped canvas

Joni Mitchell’s lyrics rang out in my head when I spotted this old relic of a taxi abandoned in a field on the side of the highway. I was instantly inspired by the shiny yellow metal contrasted with the old rusty patina. The concept for this oil painting stems from the lyrics of her song, Big Yellow Taxi.

 “They paved paradise and put up a parking lot”

  I found it ironic that Joni’s powerful lyrics were about how paving a parking lot ruined a paradise and yet here in this green, lush, farmers field, a big yellow taxi was a flower amongst a handful of other old relics. This small oil painting is also in contrast to the name, “Big” Yellow Taxi, as it is only 12” x 12”.

 With the use of texture, stroke and vibrant colour I strive to express emotion through this piece. My hope is that the viewer considers the symbolic relationship between the taxi in the lyric and the taxi in the painting and thinks about the effects that industrialization has on the environment. I think with the creative expression of music and visual art we can make a positive change on this beautiful earth.